Stories to Inspire
Muji style in interior design originated from the Japan Retail Store, Mujirushi Ryohin, which translates as “ no-brand quality goods”. Founded in 1980, the core philosophy in Muji is beyond minimalism, it’s also about quality, functionality, aesthetic and environmental friendly,...
3 typical responses we received from our clients when we asked about the budget
Q: What’s your budget for this renovation?
A: I don’t know how to allocate my budget; or
A: I have a very limited budget; or
A: Yes, I only have RMXXX budget.<...
Okay, let's look at this budgeting formula:
Total Budget = Design Fees + Home Remodelling (both labour & materials) + Built In Cabinets + Soft Furnishings (Furnitures, Decorations) + Electrical Appliances
Before we determine the ratio of budget...