Stories to Inspire

Muji Style

14 Apr 2021 | Tip & Trends

Muji style in interior design originated from the Japan Retail Store, Mujirushi Ryohin, which translates as “ no-brand quality goods”. Founded in 1980, the core philosophy in Muji is beyond minimalism, it’s also about quality, functionality, aesthetic and environmental friendly,...

Debunk The Myth About Low Cost

22 Feb 2021 | Tip & Trends

3 typical responses we received from our clients when we asked about the budget

Q: What’s your budget for this renovation?

A: I don’t know how to allocate my budget; or
A: I have a very limited budget; or
A: Yes, I only have RMXXX budget.<...

How To Start A Budget Plan?

22 Feb 2021 | Tip & Trends

Okay, let's look at this budgeting formula:

Total Budget = Design Fees + Home Remodelling (both labour & materials) + Built In Cabinets + Soft Furnishings (Furnitures, Decorations) + Electrical Appliances 

Before we determine the ratio of budget...

4 Common Mistakes To Avoid During Renovation

22 Feb 2021 | Tip & Trends

Mistake 1:
Wrong Management During Renovation


Avoid having multiple contractors work on the same areas at the same time. Manage the work schedule properly will spare yo...

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